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About EnLink

Headquartered in Dallas, Texas, EnLink Midstream (NYSE: ENLC) operates midstream assets in premier production basins and core demand centers, including the Permian Basin, Oklahoma, North Texas, and the Gulf Coast. Driven by the strength of our platform, dedication of our employees, and insight of strategic partners, like Global Infrastructure Partners, we are well positioned to take advantage of changes in energy and unlock significant value for our employees, customers, and investors.

Industry classifications




Oil & Gas


Pipeline Transportation of Natural Gas (486210)


Natural Gas Transmission (4922)

Creating sustainable value

EnLink Midstream provides integrated energy infrastructure services for natural gas, crude oil, condensate, and NGLs, including gathering and transportation pipelines, processing plants, fractionators, barge and rail terminals, product storage facilities, and brine disposal wells, as well as CO2 transportation for carbon capture and sequestration. Our large-scale, cash-flow-generating asset platforms are in premier production basins and core demand centers, including the Permian Basin, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and North Texas. EnLink is focused on maintaining the financial flexibility and operational excellence that enables us to strategically grow through the energy transition and create sustainable value.

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